Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Beau and MaMa

I swear Beau says, "MaMa" and means it. It could just be babbling, but I think its more. This baby is so sweet. To describe Beau, I say he is - 100% pure love. (queue song from the 90’s). He smiles big, watches Tate and friends with interest, tries to join in the fun, beams at perfect strangers, reaches out to be held by our 85 year old neighbor lady, wrestles Darin, and hugs me lots.

And not to leave out commentary on our Super Tate. He is so much fun. He is creative, inquisitive, funny, independent and daring. Right now he likes to play make believe – he acts as Tate or Diego. I have to be Baby Jaguar, Dora, Giant Teddy Bear, Baby Teddy Bear, Woody, or a pirate. If I slip on the accent he says, “No, that’s talking Linsy. Talk Baby Jaguar.” Today I was mostly a pirate, so in the car he asked if we were going to the grub store.

These kiddies are so sweet – I am convinced this is the prime of life. However, at each new phase (with the exception of living in HOA communism 07-08) I have thought it was the prime of life. But I really think I’m right this time.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Someone's Loosin the Chubbs

Now that he is on the move - chasing Tate, climbing stairs, cruisin along furniture - our chubba Beau is not so chubba. Oh, so sad.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Like Mother Like Son

Black bear, Alaska 1994

Penn State Nittany Lion, Hershey 2010

Summa Time in Hershey

cheeks. cheeks. and blue drinks.

Hershey Park Boardwalk waterpark.

Beau loves a swing. Especially this one.

Memorial Day

Tate and his friend Luke
paying tribute to the man
who created a dream company
and a dream town
in the middle of Pennsylvania farm lands.